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A first for a WA landmark.


As Australia’s most significant place named after an Indigenous person, Yagan Square attracted considerable political, commercial, community and cultural interest.

Process and Design Approach

As such, creating a place brand that would resonate with such a broad group of stakeholders represented a major challenge.

Rare undertook a series of inclusive and collaborative workshops, engaging government departments and Ministerial offices, City of Perth, retailers, interest groups, and most importantly, the Indigenous community, represented by the Whadjuk Working Party (WWP).

We went to great lengths to be sensitive to the emotional resonance associated with the history of Yagan, a legendary Indigenous warrior.

Working together with a number of key stakeholders from the aforementioned groups, we unlocked insights to form the basis of a ‘co-created’ brand model and narrative.

We worked closely with two talented Indigenous artists, who developed a range of visual expressions from their own cultural viewpoint, which formed the foundation of the brand design territories developed by our design team.

Key to the design territories was the requirement (and commitment from Rare) to celebrate Indigenous culture, with consideration of:

The key themes of belonging and community, and

The physical history of the place, including:

—  The lake system that previously existed on the site;

—  The precious resources of water, flora and fauna;

—  The sun and fire (life); and

—  Tracks inspiring the concept of journeying together.

As a first for Western Australian landmarks, Rare also co-created the brand design in collaboration with the Indigenous community, facilitated by the WWP.


The brand has been incredibly well received by key project stakeholders along with the Indigenous (and broader) community, and Rare was subsequently engaged to extend the brand into a campaign to further build community awareness for the precinct (in early 2018).

“We took an iterative approach to design, working collaboratively with Indigenous artists to celebrate their culture through a striking and memorable place brand.”

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